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Pokemon Build & Battle Prerelease Deck (40 Kort) - SV01 - Scarlet Violet: Base Set: Quaquaval

Her finder du et Build & Battle Prerelease Deck til Pokemon!

Decket er på 40 kort, og har altså for få kort til at man kan spille med det i traditionelt Pokemon-spil - men det er perfekt til Prerelease-formatet hvor man kun spiller med 4 prize cards!

Dette deck indeholder:

  • 1 særligt promokort!
  • 39 kort, hvoraf ca. halvdelen hører til promokortets tema og resten er fra et andet tilfældigt tema.
  • 1 kodekort til Pokemon TCG Live.

Hvis du er ny til spillet, eller hvis du bare foretrækker det hurtigere Prerelease-format, så er dette deck perfekt til dig!

Du finder samme type af deck i Build & Battle Kit til serien. Dette løse deck er forseglet med plastikindpakning fra producentens side, men indeholder ingen indpakning i pap eller booster packs.


Dance to the rhythm of Energy flooding your board with Quaquaval and its Energy Carnival Ability. With the Dancer Pokémon in play, you’ll be able to attach a Basic Energy card from your hand to one of your Pokémon. You can either go with the flow and use Energy Carnival to attach Energy to Quaquaval itself and other Water-type Pokémon, or fight the current and attach Energy to all types of Pokémon. In the Standard format, using multiple Energy types can be dangerous, but the strategy works well with Pokémon like Quaquaval in a limited Prerelease format. If you get a second Quaquaval in play, you can use two Energy Carnival Abilities per turn, in combination with your regular Energy attachment, to potentially power up Pokémon like Kingambit and its Hack At attack in a single turn.

Availability €10.05 €4.01

    0 items


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Est. Freight Costs:
Letters (Max 2000g)
25,- to 100,- DKK
Packages (Insured)
Country Dependent

Krebshuset (Sorø):
Open Mon-Fri: 10-17.30
Open Sat: 10-16
Open Sun: 10-14

Sorø Magic FNM: 19

The store (Holbæk):
Open Mon-Fri: 10-17.30
Open Sat: 10-16

Card game day: Wed 12-20
Holbæk Magic FNM: 17.30

The store (Roskilde):
Open Mon-Fri: 10-18.00
Open Sat: 10-16
Open first Sunday each month: 10-15

The store (Næstved):
Open Mon-Fri: 10-18.00
Open Sat: 10-16

Manufacturer Info
_Poke: SV01 Base Set