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Pokemon Tin Kasse - 2003: EX Series Collector\'s Tin Box - 5 Boosters & 2 Black Star Promos!

Her finder du en gammel og sjælden EX Collector's Tin!

Den indeholder følgende:

  • 1 promokort med Pikachu (Nintendo Black Star Promo 012, Cosmos Holofoil)
  • 1 promokort med Meowth (Nintendo Black Star Promo 013, Cosmos Holofoil)
  • 3 booster packs fra EX Ruby & Sapphire
  • 2 booster packs fra EX Sandstorm
  • En dobbeltsidet plakat med en tjekliste over kortene i EX Ruby & Sapphire og EX Sandstorm på den ene side, og klassiske illustrationer fra Hoenn-pokedexet på den anden side!


Officiel beskrivelse:

Each EX Series Collector's Tin contains 5 booster packs (combination of EX Ruby & Sapphire and EX Sandstorm), a 2-sided poster, and two never-before-seen cards (holographic Pikachu and Meowth). Players and collectors will be clamoring to get these cards! All of these contents will be presented in a very attractive metal collector's box.

Please be aware that many products from the Pokemon TCG are reprinted by the manufacturer with Booster Packs from recent sets, without changing the product's name, product number or barcode. Thus, we cannot guarantee specific sets of Booster Packs, unless otherwise noted in the product's description. Any year(s) mentioned in the name of the product is solely part of the official name of the product, and not a guarantee that the product will contain sets that were released in that year.
Lagerstatus €4,006.00 €2,403.59
Hurtig Søk

    0 artikler


Krebshuset (Sorø):
Åpent man-fre: 10-17.30
Åpent lør: 10-16
Åpent søn: 10-14

Sorø Magic FNM: 19

Butikken (Holbæk):
Åpent man-fre: 10-17.30
Åpent lør: 10-16

Kortspilsdag: Ons 12-20
Holbæk Magic FNM: 17.30

Butikken (Roskilde):
Åpent man-fre: 10-18.00
Åpent lør: 10-16
Åpent første søndag hver måned: 10-15

Butikken (Næstved):
Åpent man-fre: 10-18.00
Åpent lør: 10-16

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